Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Third Paris soft-porn, great guys and black clouds

Third Paris soft-porn, great guys and black clouds

So much to say and so little Now convinced that God hates me and is determined to rain his wrath upon me with a vengence, I come to this blog with a bit of a whining attitude.
The issue at hand is this. While now back in the bar industry, fondly known as just "the industry", I find myself reminded again of the concept that SEX SELLS. Now, that being said, I might sound somewhat of a hipocrite in saying the following, but after watching the new Paris Hilton video this morning on the way out to work, I find her actions and public interviews from the past quite confusing. When her first sex tape was "leaked" conveniently before the debut of THE SIMPLE LIFE, I thought, dang girl, that really sucks. But then, the "leak" of her second tape was just maybe another run of bad luck...But now, the intentional release of her music video has me thinking otherwise, if there was any doubt before. She claimed that she was upset about the sex tapes because of the influence it would have on her younger fans, yet she intentionally releases what seems to be the third installment of soft-core porn on her own accord. Wow. I am going to coin the term "over-sexed" and directly apply it to Ms. Hilton. I read in a magazine the other day that at times, she will fake a fall to get attention, the limits this girl will go to are unbounding. I say this to you Paris Hilton, may the six degrees that separate the two of us convey this message to you clearly..."Less is More"...yes it is true. Now I am not exactly sure that you may apply it to your case, seeing as though all of your "more" has been exposed to the world on numerous occassions, yet I tell you that in hopes of winning the hearts of the eskimos in Antartica who have not heard of you and your follies, you should give the concept a try. It is women like you who give the remainder of our gender a bad name. Please for the sake of female kind, repent and change your ways. Maybe it is my own personal bout with Karma that is provoking me to send this message that has been lain upon my heart in hopes that my karma in turn should be cleared and my neusance of a black cloud removed from my head.

Secondly, I would like to give three cheers to great guys! It never ceases to amaze me. In the last couple of months, I have been quite cynical about guys, wondering if any good ones even exist, god forbid they live in my area code...(and Atlanta has three area codes!)...I am now convinced that the concept of good guys goes something like this....For every bad guy, there is an eqaual and opposite good guy to cancel him out. I have been hanging out on the good guy side of town and I doubt I will ever leave! That is all I will say without going into more detail.

Finally, I am under the impression that one of Hurricane Katrina's long lost black rainy nasty ugly clouds has now taken up residence above my head and is sucking the very joy out of my life. From stepping in dog poop when I was already late to work, to blown out air conditioners leading to sleep deprivation in 94 degree heat, to work drama and car troubles, life is handing me too many lemons to make marange...god forbid lemonaide...and if I did have enough, I believe at this point, God would dangle the sugar on a tight rope and trickle it down to me grain by grain...Boo! Because of this looming cloud, I am learning the lessons which I am assuming were intended to be learned. I am taking comfort and joy in the small things, fresh flowers sent with care, getting lost going to the Farmer's Market on the wrong side of town just to see that it can always be worse, left over BBQ that is the best that has ever touched my lips, other than my granddad's and the comforting voice of my sister who just lets me cry and get it all out. For all of those things, I will thank God amidst his curses upon me.

And finally, in an effort to clear my karma to this date, (I will do better in the future as to not have to issue a blanket apology!) I grant my sincerest apologies for all of the bad, naughty, unsightly or ugly things I have done. I wish forgiveness from all, especially the little Mexican maintenance man who bravely endured my tears yesterday while installing my over night savior, the window unit. To you, I grant two apologies, one for my offensive appearance yesterday (I truly was a mess) and for your bad luck as to receive the tributary of Niagra Falls which I spilled from my eyes in the form of tears when you came by. Please forgive me.

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